you must get out of being so shy 意味

  • そんなにひっこみ思案になるのはやめたほうがよい


        if you must:     if you múst 君がどうしてもと言い張るのなら(仕方がない).
        because it must remain so:    そのままでないといけない理由{りゆう}があるので
        as you must have heard:    お聞き及びのとおり
        if you must know:     if you múst knòw ()((略式))(そんなに)知りたいのなら教えてあげるが(cf.?if 1a).
        must beg of you:    どうしても[失礼{しつれい}は承知{しょうち}の上で]お願いしたい、切実{せつじつ}なお願いです I must beg of you. どうかここは一つ。/このとおり。◆日本語で頭を下げながら言う「このとおりお願いします」
        get hung up on being what you're supposed to be:    自分{じぶん}はこうあるべきだという考えにとらわれる
        i must love you and leave you:     I mùst lóve you and léave you. ((略式))もうおいとましなくては.
        finally i must thank you for:    末筆{まっぴつ}ながら~に対しお礼を申し上げます
        could you be so kind as to:    すみませんが~していただけませんか?
        even if you say so:    そんなこと言ったって
        i told you so:     I tóld you so! ?=What did I TELL you!
        if you fail to do so:    もしそうしない場合{ばあい}には
        if you say so:     If you sáy só. (もし君がそう言うなら)そうだろうよ《◆「自分はそう思わないが」という含み》.
        if you so instruct us:    そのようにご指示いただければ
        if you think so:    そうお考えならば


  1. "you must follow up your convictions with action" 意味
  2. "you must get authorization from the mayor's office to use the town hall" 意味
  3. "you must get authorization from the publishers before printing it" 意味
  4. "you must get in line and wait your turn" 意味
  5. "you must get into (good) trim for the race" 意味
  6. "you must get some practice before you take part in a race" 意味
  7. "you must get some rest" 意味
  8. "you must give it very careful thought" 意味
  9. "you must give sweets the go-by" 意味
  10. "you must get in line and wait your turn" 意味
  11. "you must get into (good) trim for the race" 意味
  12. "you must get some practice before you take part in a race" 意味
  13. "you must get some rest" 意味

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